Welcome to UNITED
UBC is a diverse community of people united in their desire to know God, love God, and serve God. We invite you to join us as we experience Jesus.
Join Us This Sunday
Every Sunday at 11:00 am
We Love Serving Our Community
Jesus clearly taught his disciples to love their “neighbors.” (See Luke 10:25-37). For us, our community begins inside the church but extends to those outside as well. We take this very seriously so we are actively involved in sharing the good news of Jesus in ways that take us outside of the church building and into the community of Gastonia and beyond. We ask you to partner with us in loving and serving in Jesus’ Name.
Current Series
It’s Time to Have BOLD FAITH!
Learn how to step out of your comfort zone and share your faith. Pastor Marcos will be sharing vision for our church and challenge us in our walk with God.
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Become A Part Of Something Great
You can be a part of what UBC is doing by partnering in one of these ways:
Extra Giving Opportunities
Donate to Make a Difference in our Community
There are times when we have a special project OR we want to help in an area that we are unable to physically go ourselves. In these instances, we try to give you an avenue to still be involved by your giving.
Our goal is to reach out with the message of salvation in Jesus.
The “good news” is that we can inherit eternal life by accepting Jesus. His message, His life, His death, burial and resurrection all point to the fact that He alone has the power to free us from everything that attempts to bind us and keep us captive. In Christ, we can experience true freedom, healing and hope of a better life. If you need some “good news,” Jesus is it!
What We Believe
“In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity.”
-St Augustine of Hippo
Jesus Is Lord
Jesus is God in human flesh and the only way to the Father. He gives us what most people are searching for: answers to life’s toughest questions and unconditional love.
The Church
The church is the body through which Jesus addresses many of the world’s needs. A Bible believing Church should be His hands extended to the world.
The Bible
The Bible is God’s word and it reveals Him to Us. Through the Bible, we see God’s plan of redemption through His Son, Jesus.
Marcos & Ivonne LeMoine
Senior Pastor of United Baptist Church
“It is our goal to love God with everything and to share Jesus with everyone.”
Pastor Marcos has the heart of a Pastor, the mind of a Theologian, and the vision of an Evangelist. This is evident on Sundays as he preaches with passion and on Wednesday nights as he teaches verse by verse through the Bible. He has an MDiv and is currently working on a PhD in Bible Exposition. You cannot be around Pastor Marcos for very long before you feel the call of the Savior to go deeper in your knowledge and experience of God.
Pastor Marcos is married to the love of his life, Ivonne, and together they have three children; Vanessa, Marcos II, and Marissa. They also have a Siberian husky named Maya.